Monday, September 29, 2008


About two thousand years ago, Mt. Vesuvius erupted. The ash and smoke covered Pompeii and plunged it into pure darkness. Pumice and coal rained down and broke down the houses. Noxious fumes filled the city. Pyroclastic flows destroyed what was left. Most people managed to escape but at least 2,000 were killed.

Get a feel for the look.

When the pyroclastic flow hit, temperatures went up to 400ÂșC. The first breath seared the lungs and caused them to fill with fluid. The second mixed ash with the fluid and created a wet cement in the lungs. The third breath hardened the cement and left the person gasping for breath until they died.
These are casts made by the people preserved in the ashes. See how they're holding their hands over their mouths?

The ash created a barrier against decay for the artwork. Artists in the smaller towns tried to imitate famous artists in Rome. This one is mimicing Venus Anadyomene by Apelles but it's not a very good copy. Legs do not work like that.

Pompeii was filled with bars and brothels. Those people aren't wrestling.

Looking at Mt. Vesuvius now with all its lushness, it's hard to imagine that it caused all that destruction and death. You know it's set to erupt again very soon right? There's several million people living right up to the base of the mountain.

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