Friday, September 26, 2008

On a Hilltop

OK. Saint Benedict. This dude didn't like the pretty architecture of Rome and decided to live alone in a grotto for three years. His friend would lower a basket of food down for him but other than that he had no contact. When he became tempted to leave the grotto, because most people would go crazy with only rocks for company, he threw himself naked on a thornbush. Some monks eventually came to him and made Benedict their leader. He was too strict so they tried to poison him. I personally would not mess with a man hardcore enough to jump naked into sharp objects. It seems like a swift way to bad things happening to you. The cup broke in half and he lived on for a 30 years. Blah blah blah the rest of his life wasn't too exciting.

The outside of the monastery. The inside was filled with old paintings but pictures were not allowed. Many of the people had animal heads. I'm sure this had religious meaning and the monks weren't secretly Egyptian but it was lost on me.

This watchtower was built to keep out brigands. I have no idea how some monks would fight off guys with swords but, uh, they had a good view of their valuables being robbed.

Landscape shots. Nothing you haven't seen before. I just wanted to show off the view. If it weren't for the whole monastery thing, I'd love to live there.

This hill, however, actually has some importance.

Here's why. Mountains were considered the temples of God so they would place crosses on top of high ones. You can see it all the way from the monastery so I imagine it's huge. It was a harsh climb up a road; I can't imagine lugging up the material to make that through a forest.

A reconstruction of Benedict's life in the grotto. I guess he prayed all day. Not much else to do.

Rose garden.

This painting is over 1300 years old.

This painting is also pretty old. It's of St. Francesco of Assisi and the only one of something or other. It's unique, though, and that's cool.

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