This was on the other side of the poster. It's obviously a chronological progression of Hannah Montana's life. I dunno what Leonardo da Vinci has to do with it. Maybe in one of her cracked out states, she steals the Mona Lisa?
Inside a different church. They put on a mini-show in front of this but it was all in Italian and I have no idea what they were saying.
Some cieling art.
This is embarrassingly blurry but still kinda neat.
Many older churches' side chapels were created because richer families wanted a piece of the church. They would buy the land next door and punch holes into the side of the building and build their chapel. The difference in the wealth for the families who built these side chapels is really evident. Some are inlaid with rare marble, gold, ivory, and other precious materials and hired famous painters whereas others have whitewash walls and generic paintings. However, they were required to host masses in these side chapels or they would have them taken away.
The Pantheon. This building is huge. It's near impossible to convey in an image how utterly gigantic it is.
The Pantheon (kind of) means "all gods." It was originally a pagan building but lasted through and converted for Christianity.
The inside.
Go home people. You are ruining my picture and stifling my movement.
The dome of the Pantheon. If it rains outside, it rains inside thanks to that hole in the top. It was built with gutters along the sides so it wouldn't flood.
More of the inside. It really was crowded inside and near impossible to get close enough to get good shots or even stand still to get them at a distance because people would push you.
Bottom of the Spanish Steps.
There is incredible shopping in this area...if you're wealthy.
At the top of the Steps, the view is amazing. Left side.
Right side.
More to come when I figure out how get video off my camera.
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